Let us now know all the 104 Keys

Friends, in today's blog we are going to tell you all 104 keyboard keys, in which we are going to see 104 keyboard keys in English together.
Whether you are a student or an employee, in today's time it is very important to have knowledge of the keys on the keyboard. And only the one who knows maximum keyboard keys can become smart and fast in computer.

F1 to F12 are called function keys.

1. Esc(Escape key)

Esc is used to close unwanted dialog boxes . (cancel/close any dialog box/Exit slide in powerpoint)

2. F1 – Function key

F1 is used to open a task page. Open help menu window/Software)

3. F2 – Function key 

F2 is used to rename and edit a file or folder . (Rename file/Edit cell excel, Ctrl+F2 – print preview)

4. F3 – Function key

Shift + F3 is used to change the case of text . (Shift + F3 = Change case in microsoft word/Insert function in excel)

5. F4 – Function key

Alt + 4 closes the entire Excel and Ctrl + 4  closes individual workbooks. (Alt + F4 – Exit | Ctrl + F4 – Close | Shift +F4 – Go to Beginning)

6. F5 – Function Key

To refresh and start Slide Show in PowerPoint, you can press F5 . (Refresh | Go to in Excel | Word Slide in PPT | Ctrl + F5 – Restore Window in Excel |Alt+ F5 – Restore window in Word)

7. F6 – Function key

F6 is used to move from one sheet to another . (Use to Tab Between Open Software Options)

8. F7 – Function Key

F7 is used to check spelling and grammar . (Spelling Grammar Check Shift F7 – thesaurus)

9. F8 – Function key

F8 is used to lock the selection . (Excel- Lock cell selection | Alt + F8- Macro dialog box)

10. F9 – Function Key

F9 is used to bring all the numbers in the Excel formula . (Excel Calculate in Excel | ( Ctrl+ F9 – Minimize Excel)

11. F10 – Function Key

Ctrl + F10 is used to restore and maximize the document . (Shift + F10 – Right click | ( Ctrl + F10 – Restore/ Maximize, inside word and excel F 10 work like Alt key)

12. F11 – Function Key

F11 is used to go full screen . (F11 – Full Screen)

13. F12 – Function Key

With F12 you can see the coding of HTML and can also save it . (F12 – Save as | in Browser – show Code | CTRL + F12 – Open)

14. Home – Navigation Key

With Home key you will go to the beginning of the row and with Ctrl + Shift + Home you will go to the beginning of the page. (Go to the Home | CTRL + Home – Beginning of Page)

15. End – Navigation Key

With End key you will go to the end of the page and with Ctrl + Shift + End you will go to the end of the paragraph. (Go To End – CTRL + End- End of Page)

16. Insert – Navigation key

Insert key is used to overlap the content and shift + Insert key can also be used to paste (Insert Text in Override format | Shift + Insert – Paste)

17. Page Up – Navigation key

Page Up will bring you to the top of the page. (Scroll Up | Use to scroll Page up)

18. Page down – Navigation Key

Page Down will bring you to the bottom of the page. (Use to Scroll Down Page wise)

19. Delete – Navigation Key

Delete key is  used to delete any content . (Delete Content/ File / Folder)


Backspace key is  used to delete the content . (Erase Content | View the previous folder (Alt + Left Arrow) )


Enter key is used to change paragraph . And Ctrl + Enter is used to break the page. (Change Paragraph | Accept Dialog box | CTRL + Enter – Page break)

22. Spacebar

Ctrl + Space is used to select a column and Shift + Space is used to select a row. (Shift + Space – Select Row | Ctrl + Space – Select Column)

23.Print Screen

Print Screen is used  to take a screenshot of the desktop and the screenshot is directly saved with window + printscreen . (Get Screenshot | Wind + Print Screen – Save screenshot)

24. Scroll Lock

Scroll Lock key locks the scroll. (Lock Reference while Scrolling)

25.Pause break

Pause break is  used to pause the reply of CMD Windows . (Pause – Running Task | Win + Pause – Show System Properties)

26. Num lock

Num lock is used to type numbers . ( Num lock – Turn off/on – Number key use)

27. Up Arrow – Directional key

Shift + Up Arrow is used to make up selection . (Move Up | Shift Combination – to Select Above cells in excel) 

28. Down Arrow – Directional key

Shift + Down Arrow is used to make down selection . (Move Down | Shift Combination – to Select Bottom cells in excel)

29. Right Arrow – Directional key

Shift + Right Arrow   is used to make right selection . (Move Right | Shift Combination – to Select Right cells in excel, Ctrl + Right Arrow – Set application Window to the Right)

30. Left Arrow – Directional key

Shift + Left Arrow   is used to make left selection . (Move Left | Shift Combination – to Select Left cells in excel, Ctrl + Left Arrow – Set application Window to the Left)


With Tab you can write content in the same alignment and with Alt + Tab you can go to another program. (Use to Tab the position | Alt + Tab | Win + Tab – Switch Application )

32. Capslock 

Capslock turns the light on and off and if you keep Capslock on, all the letters are typed in capitals. (Turn Off/On Capital letters while typing) 

33. Shift

Shift is used to make fast selection and Shift is used to type the word in capital . (Type Capital/Small Case Pressing Shift & Lot's other Combination)


We will see all the Ctrl keys (CTRL + A To Z – Combination).

35. Window

To minimize, Windows + M key is used and with Windows + D you can do both, minimize as well as maximize. (Open + Windows | Windows + Other keys Combination)


Alt + F4 is used to close the folder . (Alt + Other keys combination)

37. Menu Key 

Menu key is used for right clicking . (Use to Right Click)

These signs are used to do the mathematical calculations in Excel

38. Num Lock + (*) 

Numlock + * is used to open all folders . (Display sub folders)

39. / Divide Sign

Divide sign is used to divide .

40. * Multiplication Sign

* sign is used to do multiplication .

41. + Plus Sign

+ Plus sign is used for mathematical calculations .

42. – Minus Sign

Minus sign is used for mathematical calculations .

43. Enter

Enter key is used to change paragraph and Ctrl + Enter is used to break page. (Change Paragraph | Accept Dialog box | CTRL + Enter – Page break)

44. 0

0 key is used for mathematical calculations .

45. 1

1 key is used   for mathematical calculations .

46. ​​2

2 keys are used for mathematical calculations .

47. 3

3 keys are used for mathematical calculations .

48. 4

4 keys are used for mathematical calculations .

49. 5

5 keys are used for mathematical calculations .


6 keys are used for mathematical calculations .


7 keys are used for mathematical calculations .


8 keys are used   for mathematical calculations .


9 keys are used for mathematical calculations .

Symbol Arrows


To convert number format to general format in Excel, Ctrl + Shift + ~ is used. (Ctrl + Shift + ~ – Convert into General format (Excel) )


To convert general format to number format in Excel press Ctrl + Shift + ! is used. (Ctrl + Shift + ! – Convert to Number format (Excel))

56. @

To convert number format to time format in Excel, Ctrl + Shift + @ is used. (Ctrl + Shift + @ – Convert to Time format (Excel) 

57. #

Ctrl + Shift + # is used to convert number format to date format in Excel . (Ctrl + Shift + # – Convert to Date format (Excel)

58. $

To convert number format into currency format in Excel, use Ctrl + Shift + $ . (Ctrl + Shift + $ – Convert to Currency format (Excel)


Ctrl + Shift + % is used to convert number format to Percent format in Excel . (Ctrl + Shift + % – Convert to Percentage format (Excel))

60. ^

Ctrl + Shift + ^ is used to convert number format into scientific format in Excel . (Ctrl + Shift + ^ – Convert to Scientific format (Excel) )

61. and

& is used to join content and cells . (Used to type Ampersand or And Symbol)

62. *

There is no combination of with Ctrl and Shift in Excel (Used to type Asterisk Symbol)

63. (

In Excel, Ctrl + ( is used to hide rows and Ctrl + Shift + ( is used to unhide rows. (Ctrl + ( – Hide Rows (Excel) | Ctrl + Shift + ( – Unhide Rows (Excel) )

64. )In Excel, Ctrl + )  is used to hide a column and Ctrl + Shift + )  is used to unhide a column. (Ctrl + )- Hide Column (Excel) | Ctrl + Shift +) – Unhide Column (Excel)

65. – /_

Ctrl + (-) is used to delete rows and columns in Excel. (Ctrl + (-) – Delete Rows/Column (Excel) )

66. + / =

To add rows and columns in Excel, use Ctrl + Shift + (+) and Alt + (=) to get the Auto Sum formula directly. (Ctrl + Shift + (+) – Add Rows/Column (Excel) | Alt + (=) – Auto sum Formula (Excel) 

67. { / [

Ctrl + [ is used to reduce the font size . (Ctrl + [ – Decrease Font Size (Excel))

68. } / ]

Ctrl + ] is used to increase the font size . Ctrl + ] – Increase Font Size (Excel)

69. | ,

If it is kept in the network then Blackslash (\) is used  to access it . Used to type Pipe and Backslash Symbol

70. ; ,

 To insert the date, Ctrl + (;) is used and to insert the current time,  Ctrl + Shift + (:) is used. (Ctrl + Shift + (:) – Insert Current Time (Excel) | Ctrl + (;) – Insert Date (Excel)) 

71. “\”

You can use (") in Excel formula. It is used to type inverted Comma and Colon. (Used to type inverted Comma and Colon)


Ctrl + Shift + < is used to reduce the font size . (Ctrl + Shift + < – Decrease Font Size )

73. >/.

Ctrl + Shift + > is used  to increase the font size . (Ctrl + Shift + > – Increase Font Size)

74. ?/ (/)

(?) is used at the end of the question . (Used to type the Question mark and Slash Symbol)

75. Ctrl + A

Ctrl + A is used to select the entire text . (Select All Content)

76. Ctrl + B

Ctrl + B is used to bold any text . (Bold Selected Text)

77. Ctrl + C

Ctrl + C is used to copy . (Copy Selected Content )

78. Ctrl + D

Ctrl + D is used to duplicate content in Excel . (Duplicate Content)

79. Ctrl + E

Names come in the same format as in Excel. (Flash Fill in Excel | Align Center in Word)


Ctrl + F is used to find any word . (Find text)


With Ctrl + G we can jump to any page. (Go to)


Ctrl + H is used to replace the word . (Replace Text )

83. Ctrl + I

Ctrl + I is used to italicize text . (Italic) 

84. Ctrl + J

Ctrl + J  is used to justify a paragraph  . (Justify Alignment)


Ctrl + k is used to go directly to the file . (Hyperlink)

86. Ctrl + L

Ctrl + L is used to left align any text . (Left Alignment)

87. Ctrl + M

Ctrl + M will increase the indent of the paragraph and Ctrl + Shift + M will decrease the indent. Increase Indent | Ctrl + Shift + M – Decrease Indent

88. Ctrl + N

Ctrl + N is used to open a new document . (Insert New Document)

89. Ctrl + O

Ctrl + 0 is used to open the document . (Open Document)

90. Ctrl + P

Ctrl + P is used to print the document . (Print Document )

91. Ctrl + Q

Ctrl + Shift + Q is used to convert paragraph into symbol . Ctrl + Shift + Q – Convert Symbol Font in Word

92. Ctrl + R

Ctrl + R is used to right align any text . Right Alignment

93. Ctrl + S

Ctrl + S is used to save the file . Save Document 

94. Ctrl + T

Ctrl + T is used to insert the table . Insert Table in Excel

95. Ctrl + U

Ctrl + U is used to underline text . Apply Underline

96. Ctrl + V

Ctrl + V  is used to paste text .  Paste Copied Text

97. Ctrl + W

Ctrl + W is used to close the document  . ( Close)


Ctrl + X is used to cut text . (Cut)

99. Ctrl + Y

Ctrl + Y is used to retrieve any text . (Redo – One step forward)

100. Ctrl + Z

Ctrl + Z is used to go back . (Undo – One step backward  )

101. (. )

Dot (.) is used at the end of the sentence .


Alt + F4 is used to close the folder . (Alt + Other keys combination)


Now we have seen all the keys of Ctrl above (CTRL + A To Z – Combination).

104. shift

Shift is used to make fast selection and Shift is used to type the word in capital . (Type Capital/Small Case Pressing Shift & Lot's other Combination)

Watch Video: Complete 104 Keyboard Keys in English & Urdu

Throw away your mouse|Complete Keyboard Tutorial | Use of 104 keyboard keys with keyboard shortcuts

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